Improving Material Properties of Plastic Scintillators
Commercial and synthesized cross-linkers as well as novel synthesized dopants mitigate undesirable plasticizing effects in PSD capable plastic scintillators.
Polysiloxane Scintillators Capable of Pulse Shape Discrimination
Polysiloxane scintillators with low dopant loadings (<5 wt%) perform similar to or better than commercial thermoplastic scintillators.
Photopolymerized Plastic Scintillators Capable of Pulse Shape Discrimination
Plastic scintillators can be fabricated via photopolymerization without sacrificing radiation detection capabilities.
Manipulating the Workfunciton of MXenes via Surface Functionalization
Functionalizing the surface of 2D MXenes allows for workfunction modification and enhanced solubility.
Bismuth Dopants for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Plastic Scintillators
Organobismuth dopants were synthesized for gamma ray spectroscopy in plastic scintillators.